Oregano oh oh oh ohhhhhh...
Oregano is a popular herb that many people think of as merely a spice to improve or enhance the flavor of their food, but in reality, this perennial herb, with the scientific name of Origanum vulgare, has a treasure of health benefits that most people don’t realize. Native to southwest Eurasia and the Mediterranean area, oregano has been a valuable part of both culinary and alternative medicine treatments for thousands of years.
The impressive health benefits of oregano include its ability to protect and boost the immune system, prevent the onset of chronic disease, improve digestion, detoxify the body, strengthen the bones, improve heart health, increase energy levels, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, relieves respiratory tract infection and urinary tract infections.
If applied topically oregano can relieve muscle pain, acne, dandruff, toothache, sore throat, and repel insects.